When the call ends, the three short beeps sound at the keypads. When the user code is
in process, the keypad display shows a line for each code number entry (disclose the
code), then each DTMF number pressed show the received number.
History log: Each call, confirmed by a valid user code, is recorded in the events history.
Each "Arming/Disarming" is recorded in the events history.
Notes: 1. The keypad buzzer or other loud sounds may jam your DTMF entries, in case the
keypad is close to your DTMF telephone, during testing disable the buzzer.
2. When entering the DTMF commands wait for “quiet” period, if entering commands
during the system confirmation tunes, or other tunes the panel may miss the DTMF
The panel calls the user during alarm
When the control panel calls the user during alarm, it will first generate the siren sound
for about 30 seconds (to shorten this feature at address 045 “Tel. Mi. call Time”, to 30,
as default is 60 seconds). The siren sound will stop ten (10) seconds before the end of
the call and a greeting tune will be sounded, after the greeting tune enter your code
followed by #. To stop the dialer enter 6#, to get panel status enter 7#, to disarm the
panel enter 2#. Press 9# to end the process. To arm the system press 1 #
The control panel will answer the call after the number of rings programmed at address
054 (or following the “bypass answering machine" procedure).
4.4 DTMF Commands
Each command must be followed by the '#' key (Enter) in the remote phone. The control
panel waits 4 seconds between the keys typed. When this time expires, previous keys
input will be discarded.
The key '*' cancels previous input. It’s recommended to start with "learn" function [8X #]
to identify the various confirmation tune.
The commands:
[0 XX #] -
Bypass zone
(# is the Enter key), XX is Bypassed zone 01 to 32
To clear all bypassed zone: 099 #
The zone bypass command is valid only when the system is in Disarm mode, not valid in
Alarm mode.
[1 #] -
Arm control panel
. The control panel will be armed even with open zones. After
the arming, a confirmation tune followed by an "armed" tune will be sounded ("Armed"
tune: Short beep followed by a long tone).
The user can wait a few seconds to be sure that no alarm has been caused by open
zones. In this case, an Alarm tune (siren sound) will be sounded.
[2 #] -
Disarm control panel
. The control panel will be disarmed. A confirmation tune
followed by a "disarmed" tune will be sounded ("Disarmed" tune: Five short beeps).
[31 #] -
Activates A1
output for 4 seconds (enabled by programming 122)
[33 #] -
Activates SLO
output for 3 seconds (enabled by programming 133)
[50 #] -
Deactivates A2
output to stop Listen In (enabled by programming 128)
[51 #] -
Activates A2
output for Listen In (enabled by programming 128)
[6 #] -
Stop dialer.
The dialer will stop calling the programmed telephone numbers. This
will affect only the current dialing process. A new alarm will re-start the dialer.