Cleaning the AUVS Germicidal Enclosure
PRECAUTION: Avoid spilling fluids on any part of the AUVS Germicidal Enclosure.
PRECAUTION: If spills do occur, immediately disconnect the AUVS Germicidal
Enclosure from the power source and contact Safety Net, LLC for guidance in cleaning
the device at: 866-918-8546.
WARNING: Always power off the system before cleaning. An electrical shock could
occur if the device is powered on and liquid is spilled into it.
To clean the
of the AUVS Germicidal Enclosure without physical or cosmetic
degradation, use a clean, lint-free cloth moistened with one of the following:
Phenolic Disinfectant Cleaner (meets VII.d.4 of AORN recommendation)
1 part household bleach and 5 parts water (meets VII.e.2 of AORN recommendation)
A-456-N Disinfectant
Virex 256 Disinfectant
Isopropyl Alcohol, 70% solution
The following pre-moistened disposable cloths may also be used for cleaning the
of the Device.
PDI Sani-Cloth HB
PDI Sani-Cloth PLUS
PDI Super Sani-Cloth
To clean the
of the AUVS Germicidal Enclosure without physical degradation, use
only a clean lint-free cloth moistened with a mixture of alcholol and water (1:1). Residues of
alcohol based cleaning products should be wiped away with a clean lint-free cloth moistened
with water. Allow the device to dry completely before operating again.