Electronic Dartboard 24
The object of the game is to shoot the lights out but you need to catch speedwheel light during 2
separate rounds.
First round, One light goes CLOCKWISE around the board very fast (we will call this light S). A
player needs to hit the segment it is in. Once the player does that they will need to hit the same
speed light that is going COUNTERCLOCKWISE ( we will call this light W). A player does not
need to win in 1 round (3 darts)- If they get light S, they will only shoot at W for the rest of the
game. First player to complete Light S and Light W wins the game!
Add it Up
Players shoot to get to the winning score
Beginner- Game to 11
Inter- Game to 15
Exp- Game to 21
Single Segment Area- 1 pt
Double Segment Area-2 pt
Triple Segment Area-3 pt
Single Bull-2 pt
Double Bull- 3 pt
To win, a player must be the first to 11, 15, or 21 points depending on the variation chosen
The first reach the appointed score player is the winner.
Important Notes
Stuck Segment
Occasionally, a dart will cause a segment to become wedged within the segment separator web. If
this happens, all play will be suspended and the scoring display will indicate the segment number
that is stuck.
To free the segment, simply remove the dart or broken tip from the segment. If the problem is still
not solved, try wiggling the segment until it is loose. The game will then resume where it left off.
Broken Tips
From time to time a tip will break off and become stuck in the segment. Try to remove it with a pair
of pliers or tweezers by grasping the exposed end and pulling it out of the segment. If this is not
possible, you can attempt to push the tip through to the back of the segment. Use a nail that is
smaller than the hole and gently push the tip until it falls through the other side. Be careful not to
push too far and damage the circuitry behind the segment.
Don’t be alarmed if tips break. This is a normal occurrence when playing soft tip darts. We include
a pack of replacement tips that should keep you supplied for quite some time. When replacing tips,
make sure you use the same type of tips that come with this dartboard.