Revised 1/3/01 • UNI/59
© 2001 Automated Logic Corporation
UNI/59 only reads the address when the
module is turned on. After changing the
address, you must transfer memory to the
module. Refer to the section “Transferring
Switches two through eight of the DIP switch
are labeled with addressing values. The
values of the switches in the on position are
added together to determine the module’s
address. For example, in Figure 7 switch
numbers six and seven are both on, giving the
module an address of six.
Transferring Memory
The UNI/59 module can store the U5I or U5M
module driver and up to 59 Graphic Function
Blocks (GFBs), depending on the size of the
GFBs. All GFBs stored in the UNI/59 must be
made using the Zone GFB option in Eikon.
Refer to the
Eikon User’s Guide
for more
To transfer GFBs to the UNI/59, you must use
SuperVision version 2.6b or later software,
and you must use FBLINK version 2.7a or
later. For more information about using
SuperVision, refer to the
SuperVision User’s
The first memory transfer to the UNI/59 takes
longer than subsequent memory transfers.
1. Connect your workstation or portable
computer to the UNI/59. Refer to
“Communicating with the Workstation” on
page 8.
2. Navigate to the UNI/59’s module driver
and look at the module status report in
SuperVision to make sure the module type
and number agree with the module. The
module type for the UNI/59 is 76.
• To view the module status report in
SuperVision v3.0, click Tools-
Troubleshooting-Module Status.
• To view the module status report in
SuperVision v2.6b, press the Esc key,
MO , , module address,15
press Enter.
3. Transfer memory to the module.
• In SuperVision 3.0, click Tools-
Troubleshooting-Transfer Memory to
• In SuperVision 2.6b, choose Download
Memory for This Module.
4. When the memory transfer is finished,
check the module status report again.
Make sure the FB List on this page shows
all the FBs you intended to transfer.
Using Flow Sensors
The UNI/59 supports T-Line or U-Line
modules that use flow sensors. You must
calibrate each sensor to ensure accurate
readings. Use the calibration instructions on
the Parameter page of each FB that uses a
flow sensor. For U-Line modules, you must
indicate on the U5M’s Parameter page (in the
U-Card Flow Control section) how air flow is
controlled by each U-Line module. Refer to
U5M Module Driver
for details.
For T-Line modules, the zero point must be
set in the U5I module driver; use the
procedure below for each FB that uses a flow
sensor. Set the gain using the FB’s Parameter
Figure 7. Setting the module’s address
CM ne t B a u d 96 0 0
3 8.4 k
C Mn e t
A dd re ss
(M o d u le )