Make the most of rasterized scanned drawings,
maps, aerial photos, satellite imagery, and digital
elevation models. Get more out of your raster data
with AutoCAD
Raster Design software.
Use AutoCAD Raster Design software with
, AutoCAD
Architecture, AutoCAD
Civil, AutoCAD
Civil 3D
, AutoCAD
Map 3D, AutoCAD
P&ID, and Autodesk
Topobase™ software to unlock and extend
the value of existing design information.
Helping design professionals across a broad range of
industries—civil; GIS/mapping; mechanical, electrical, and
plumbing (MEP); architectural; and manufacturing.
Designs Enhanced
AutoCAD Raster Design enables you to work in an
AutoCAD environment, significantly reducing the
need to purchase and learn multiple applications.
Extend the Value of Existing Information
Unlock and make the most of existing scanned
engineering drawings, plans, and maps by using
them in current projects. You can save redrafting
time with powerful raster editing and raster-to-
vector conversion tools.
Use Industry-Standard Image Formats
AutoCAD Raster Design supports numerous image
formats so designers can easily integrate and use
imagery within their projects. Supported image
formats include MrSID,
ECW, and JPEG 2000,
Quickbird TIFF, Landsat FAST-L7A
format multispectral imagery, and the National
Imagery Transmission Format (NITF), which is an
important tool for the U.S. Department of Defense
and the federal intelligence community.
Other supported formats include the following:
Clean Raster Drawings and Images
Improve usability and legibility of scanned drawings
with powerful image cleanup tools. Despeckle
removes stray pixels that result from scanning dirty
or faded drawings or blueprints. Deskew corrects
drawings that were crooked as they were fed through
a scanner. Bias corrects distortion in an image’s aspect
ratio. Mirror can correct transparencies that have
been scanned upside down. By using these and other
tools, you can reduce the time and effort necessary
to clean up scanned drawings and maps while better
maintaining your image archives.
Enhance Images with Intuitive
Image-Processing Tools
Several image-processing features are available to help
designers get the most from existing imagery. The
histogram feature includes functions to equalize images,
adjust brightness and contrast, convert grayscale or
color images to bitonal images, and perform nonlinear
tonal adjustments. The convolve feature has smoothing
filters to reduce ruggedness and noise as well as
sharpening filters to make differences in shading more
distinct. The invert feature reverses the light and dark
shades of binary, color, and grayscale images. These and
“While we are working
to create digital versions
of our older paper maps,
we use Raster Design
to edit and maintain
scanned maps digitally.
The software helps us
maintain our existing maps
and lets us easily find and
use our raster assets.”
— Greg Ammon
Water GIS Systems Manager
Los Angeles Department of
Water and Power
Perform raster drawing cleanup, editing and manipulation,
raster-to-vector conversion, and image processing while
working with a breadth of imagery.
Approvals Accelerated
other image-processing features in AutoCAD Raster
Design can help improve the appearance of existing
images, so you can get the full benefit from your
investment in imagery.
Convert Raster Data to Vector
Do you want to be able to use scanned drawings and
map content without having to redraft? Would you
like to convert raster lines, arcs, and text to vector
for use in AutoCAD-based products as part of your
drawing, model, or design? With vectorization tools in
AutoCAD Raster Design, you can interactively convert
raster to vector to accelerate project turnarounds and
improve efficiency.
Use Optical Character Recognition
Recognize machine and hand-printed text and
tables on raster images to create AutoCAD text
or multiline text (mtext) automatically. Use
interactive verification to correct results with
dictionary matching. Save manual data entry
time and improve accuracy when converting
scanned documents with a lot of text.
Improve Decision Making
Get projects approved faster by creating drawings
and presenting proposals that integrate information-
rich plans, maps, aerial photos, and other forms
of imagery that enhance communication and
understanding of your design intent.
When used with AutoCAD Map 3D-based software,
AutoCAD Raster Design provides additional
functionality so you can better utilize geospatial
imagery to create color elevation representations
directly from DEM, DTED, and ESRI
GRID raster
files. Visualize the slope and aspect information
you need to help make better design and policy
decisions. Show vegetation, land cover, and
environmental information using readily available
multispectral satellite imagery.
Enhance, Preserve, and Maintain Valuable
Raster Assets
AutoCAD Raster Design software enables you to
easily clean up, edit, enhance, and maintain your
archive of scanned drawings and plans with image
cleanup, processing, and hybrid editing tools in a
familiar AutoCAD environment.
Incorporate widely available geospatial raster data that can be used to visualize information such as land cover.
Data used in
image from USGS National Land Cover Database.
Use correlation tools such as the unlimited point
rubbersheet function to align aerial photos to drawings.
Accurately vectorize partial or entire scanned sheets
using the semiautomatic and interactive raster-to-vector
conversion utilities.