Architecture provides. These relationships are created either automatically by the software
or deliberately by the user as they work.
A fundamental characteristic of a building information modeling application is the ability to
coordinate changes and maintain consistency at all times. The user does not have to
intervene to update drawings, links, tags, and so forth.
This concept is important because it is this capability that delivers the fundamental
coordination and productivity benefits of Revit Architecture: Change anything at any time
anywhere in the project and Revit Architecture coordinates that change through the entire
project. This change management is also one of the fundamental characteristics of a
building information modeling solution.
5.2 Do I have to regenerate sections and schedules manually?
What if I want to work in the section?
The beauty of Revit
Architecture is that designers
work in the view that makes
sense for their project. Revit
Architecture was built to work
the way an architect thinks.
No. In Revit Architecture a section view is “live” and presents itself instantly when the user
creates it. The section view will automatically update if the defining section line is moved.
Designers can work (add or edit components) in the section view without restrictions.
Schedules are created using the same principle. They are simply another type of view. So
they are also “live” and they update as the designer changes the model. In fact, designers
can change things in the schedule and Revit Architecture updates the model and
6. Licensing Revit Architecture and
AutoCAD Revit Architecture Suite
6.1 Can I use the product in trial mode or demonstration mode?
You can use the software in trial mode for a 30-day period without an activation code. You
can also use the product in demonstration mode, which enables all features except save,
plot, and export.
Designers can make
changes in section,
elevation, or schedule and
Revit Architecture
propagates the changes
throughout the model.
6.2 Is Subscription available for Revit Architecture?
Yes, Subscription is available in most countries for many of Autodesk's products including
Revit Architecture.
Subscription is the best way to keep your design tools and learning up-to-date.
For an annual fee you get the latest versions of your licensed Autodesk software, self-
paced training options, and a broad range of other technology and business benefits.
Autodesk Subscription includes direct web support. You get one-to-one online
communication with Autodesk support technicians for fast, complete answers to your
installation, configuration, and troubleshooting questions. Web and email communications
deliver support straight to your desktop. Plus you have web access to your account, so
you can track and manage questions and responses.
Additionally, Autodesk Subscription includes access to Autodesk University (AU)
conference materials and home use licensing options.
For more information about Autodesk Subscription, contact your Autodesk Authorized
Reseller or visit