Register Battery Replacement
This option allows displaying the mileage reading of last battery replacement, registering
the battery replacement after replacing a new battery and informing the power
management system that a new battery has been fitted to the vehicle.
If the battery change is not registered, the power management system will not function
properly, which may not provide the battery with enough charging power to operate the
car and limit the functions of individual electrical equipment.
Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) Service
The DPF function allows you to carry out numerous functions to the Diesel Particulate
Filter system without having to send your car to a main dealer. The tool will manage DPF
regeneration, DPF component replacement teach-in and DPF teach-in after replacing
the engine control unit.
ECM monitors driving style and selects a suitable time to employ regeneration. Cars
driven a lot at idling speed and low load will attempt to regenerate earlier than cars driven
more with high load and high speed. In order for regeneration to take place, a prolonged
high exhaust temperature must be obtained.
In the event of the car being driven in such a way that regeneration is not possible, i.e.
frequent short journeys, a diagnostic trouble code will eventually be registered, DPF light
and “Check Engine” indicator comes on. A service regeneration can be requested in the
workshop, using the diagnostic tool.
Before carrying out a forced DPF regeneration using the tool, check the following items:
The fuel light is not on.
No DPF-relevant faults stored in system.
The vehicle has the correct spec engine oil.
The oil for diesel is not contaminated.
Before diagnosing a problem vehicle and attempting to perform an emergency
regeneration, it is important to obtain a full diagnostic log and read out relevant measured
value blocks.
1. The DPF will not regenerate if the engine management light is on, or there is a faulty
EGR valve.
2. The ECU must be re-adapted when replacing the DPF and when topping up the fuel
additive Eolys.