Port & Protocol Information
The RS232 port of the AMD2200P amplifier’s consists of three connections:
Transmit – Data from the amplifier
Receive – Data into the amplifier
GND – Ground connection
there are no flow control connections
The baud rate of the port is 19200 and the data format is 8 bits, no parity
and 1 stop bit (8N1).
The protocol is an ASCII protocol – all characters in the string are ASCII
characters. A binary value spanning between hexadecimal 00 and FF is
transmitted as two ASCII characters.
All command strings start with the % character and end with a carriage return
– shown as <CR> in this document and equal to the ASCII value of 13 (0x0D)
Available Parameters
The following parameters can be externally controlled:
Channel Input Cross Mix Level
Channel Input Cross Mix Mute
Channel Output Level
Channel Output Mute
Low Power Mode
Power Amplifier Fault Indication
Power Amplifier Version Information
the Cross Mix commands allow any of the input channels to be
mixed to a particular output channel. In effect the 2-channel versions provide
a 2x2 matrix and the 4 channel versions provide a 4x4 matrix.
that in the 2 channel versions, if a command is accessed with
reference to channel 3 or 4, the command will be processed but will have
no effect.
Channel Input Cross Mix Level:
To adjust the volume control of an input cross mix level.
*The Cross Mix commands allow any of the input channels to be mixed
to a particular output channel. In effect the 2-channel versions provide a
2x2 matrix and the 4 channel versions provide a 4x4 matrix.
In this command x represents the output channel to select (between 1 and 4)
and y represents the input channel (between 1 and 4).
The volume is represented by the zz section of the command. zz can range
between 00 (off) and E1 (225 = +12dB of gain). This allows half dB steps
the range where for example:
00 = Off
01 = -100dB
C9 = 0dB
E1 = +12dB
When a volume is adjusted the unit will reply with:
where x, y and zz are as per above.
To request the current level of a source:
where x and y are as per above.
Channel Input Cross Mix Mute
To toggle the mute control of an input cross mix mute.
In this command x represents the output channel to select (between 1 and 4)
and the y represents the input channel (between 1 and 4)
The value of zz should either be 00 or 01.
00 = Unmuted
01 = Muted
If a mute flag is adjusted the unit will responded with:
where x, y and zz are as per above.
To request the current value of the mute flag:
where x and y are as per above.