On buying AURUS BLE - 52 B
This lock can be installed in drawers and cabinets. The AURUS BLE
– 51 has a built in
Cr 800mAH 3v
battery which should last you 8-10 months.
When the Battery Low warning will appear on your app you are required to change the
batteries immediately.
You can have several locks in your house and control them with the app. The Max distance
between the app & smartphone should be 15 ft.
Registration is very easy. And the 1
person to register the lock is the master. The master
can grant & cancel access rights of a lock to any other user.
There can be only 1 master.
The master can grant access right remotely to another user via the internet, For example if
you are travelling and want to grant access to the user at your home/office you can easily do
so in a minute.
Getting Started
Please install the mobile app: -
Please note: - The Bluetooth must remain on while using the app and the lock.
Please search “OKLOK” in Google
Playstore (Android) or APP store (IOS)
to download the APP