Use the batteries specially intended for the HA!
Using wrong batteries (for watch etc.) can wreck
the device.
Replacement Battery
Pic. 4а
Pic . 4b
In this case the warranty doesn’t cover the maintenance!
Gently swing out the battery door with your fingernail and then open
it completely (Pic.4a), take a new battery, take the tab off and wait
1minute so that the battery could become saturated with oxygen to
increase its energy .
Insert the new battery into the battery compartment with plus(+) sign
on the battery facing the same way as the (+) sign on the edge of the
battery door . This will ensure that the battery door closes properly .
Put the battery ONLY in the door of the battery
compartment .
Note: If the battery is inserted incorrectly, the door will
not close .
Never press too hard to close the door of the
battery compartment.
Lower amplification power and volume , or spontaneous
shutdown indicate a low battery .
Replacement Battery