Operation mode
(selector switch = position Remote control).
The positioner records setpoint position E1 and actual position value E2 for
comparison. Depending on the detected deviation, the actuator motor then runs in
direction OPEN or CLOSE.
If the actuator is controlled via a setpoint (e.g. 0 – 20 mA), the status indication
on the display shows both setpoint position E1 and actual position value
If the status indication
only shows the actual position value E2, OPEN-
CLOSE control is active and there is no setpoint control via the positioner. In
this case, you have to change-over to setpoint control first, refer to <Change-
over between OPEN-CLOSE control and setpoint control> chapter.
Positioner: activate
Required user level:
Specialist (4)
or higher.
Device configuration M0053
Application functions M0178
Activation M0212
Positioner M0158
Default value:
Function not active
Setting values:
Function not active
Function <Positioner> deactivated.
Function active
Function <Positioner> activated.
Adaptive behaviour: activate deactivate
Adaptive positioning may reduce the number of starts and compensate for the overrun
of the actuator.
Customer settings M0041
Positioner M0145
Adaptive behaviour M0147
Default value:
Adaptive I
Setting values:
Adaptive behaviour switched off.
Adaptive I
Adaptive behaviour for precise positioning (high positioning accuracy).
Due to the inertia of both actuator and valve, the valve position changes only slightly
after switching off the actuator (overrun). The positioner determines the resulting
error between setpoint and actual value for both directions and automatically adapts
the inner dead bands Xi and therefore switching point P2.
On the basis of the determined inner dead bands Xi and the set hysteresis
Posit. hyst. OPEN M0598
Posit. hyst. CLOSE M0599
), the outer dead
bands X
are automatically determined.
This reduces the error caused by the overrun after only a few operations and a high
positioning accuracy is achieved.
Actuator controls
ACV 01.2/ACVExC 01.2 Profibus DP
Application functions