If system does not heat up or no indication of power.
Check fuse in seat heater harness and vehicle.
Temperature of seat may be above the preset thermostat temperature and will not
allow it to come on. (ie: sun shining on seat)
If the light on the heated seat switch does not come on, it could be that the switch
bulb is burnt out (replace switch) or that there is no power to the switch.
Ensure that all connectors are properly connected and that the ground wire is
properly grounded. Refer to Figure 9 for wiring diagram.
Using a digital ohm meter, test only the heating elements (switch not included)
from the under seat wire connector. If no resistance is found, then an open
condition exists.
Check internal wire connectors for an open circuit. If a heating element has an
open, install a new heating element.
If the heating elements and seat harness tests OK, then a power supply problem
Using a digital volt meter, start at the source and trace back through all the
connectors and switch to determine where the power loss is occurring. Repair as
If the seat heater fuse continues to blow, then a short or bad ground condition
exists in the power circuit.
If the vehicle fuse which has the heated seat T-tap connected to it continues to
blow, then the tap will need to be moved to another vehicle circuit.