The video heads are the means by which the VCP reads pictures from the tape during playback.
In the unlikely event that they become dirty enough to be clogged, no picture will be played back. This
can easily be determined if, during playback of a known good tape, there is good sound, but the picture
is snowy. If this is the case, have the video cassette checked by qualified service personnel
During normal operation of the VCP the video and audio heads can get dirty over a period of time,
especially when using an old or poor quality tape. When the heads are dirty the picture can get snowy
and the tracking control will not adjust the snow out of the picture. If this condition occurs, head cleaning
cartridges may take care of this problem and restore normal picture. We recommend that the head
cleaning cartridges be used sparingly due to the fact that they can be abrasive to video heads. If the
problem is not resolved with the head cleaning cartridge then the unit needs to be checked by qualified
service personnel.
NOTE: Video heads may eventually wear out and should be replaced when they fail to produce clear
pictures. To help prevent video head clogging, use only good quality VHS tapes. Discard worn
out tapes.