Album (selecting songs name “Funny”) **Max. enter 6 letter** 67 songs
Press the FILE SEARCH button one time and “(file name)” will appear?
Press the F button then press the enter button, and press U button
… NNY …
Press the ENTER button two times and song will automatically playback.
Or press only letter “F” then ENTER button two times and press PLAY button.
(Flashes mean more than two of “F” letter songs exists.)
For Album file search mode please note the following:
Note: Any mp3 files, i.e. title containing symbols (examples: *, /, (, ), = etc.) are not
recognized and they cannot be used for search purposes.
Files names containing spaces (example John Harper.mp3) can be searched by
inputting in the space. However, if the file is actually Johnharper.mp3 do not use
any spaces when inputting for search.
(Tip): in case of spaces, inputting with three letters or less will avoid the space
Dir search (must be more than 2 file)
Press the FILE SEARCH button two times and “(Dir. Name)” will appear.
Press the MP3 file name exp. CD02 and Press C then enter D …… enter two
times and song will automatically playback.
Programming track numbers
Press the STOP button then press the PROGRAM Button (will show display “P”)
select the file no. and enter. Then select the track no. and press the ENTER
button. Will change to Prog. 2 (total 24 track prog.) Press the ENTER button 2
times then press the PLAY button and song will automatically playback.
Press the STOP button to return to TOC.
Press the PROGRAM button again and press the PLAY button, and it will playback
the previously Prog. memory.
To check the Prog. no. Press the SKIP button, and the display will show the Prog.
If you make an error while searching or programming hold the CLEAR button
for 2 seconds to return to main “welcome MP3” display.
Single session
The following chart is an example of a Windows Explorer display for a single session MP3
CD ROM with albums. Check the added Notes to help you understand the MP3 CD unit
display, and the playback sequence of albums and tracks on single session MP3 CDs.
Notes: Arrow pathway show the sequence of MP3 album and track playback.
This CD ROM example has a total number of 7 MP3 albums (folders).
Blur01.mp3-Twain15.mp3 This CD ROM example has a total number of 15 tracks, where ‘01’
is the first track and ‘15’ is the last track.
Skipped Denotes an album which contains non-audio files only, e.g. jpg, wav., doc. These
cannot be detected nor played on the MP3-CD player, and are hence ‘skipped’. Where an
album contains mixed format files, the non-MP3 files will be skipped.
MP3 Properties
MPEG rate
32 ~ 128Kbps
Sampling Frequency
Layer 3
MP3 playback
ISO9660 format compatible
Software Properties section of your computer will have this confirmation.
(E) C D -R O M d riv e
A L 01
B lu r01 .m p3
B lu r02 .m p3
B lu r03 .m p3
B lu r04 .m p3
A L 02
Sp ice05.m p3
Sp ice06.m p3
A L 03
2m en07.m p3
2m en08.m p3
A L 04
G irl09.m p 3
G irl10.m p 3
A L 05
B oyz11.m p3
B oyz12 .m p3
A L 06
B read13.m p3
A L 07
M arx 14.m p3
Tw ain1 5.m p3
Sk ipp ed
A bba01.w av
A bba02.w av
Sk ipp ed
B lu g
Ly ric.doc