Main specifications :
2 transformer balanced microphone inputs (Lundahl LL1587) on Switchcraft mini XLR connectors
True phantom powering on both mic inputs
Second order low-cut active filter on both channels : 80 Hz 12dB/Oct
Very large gain range : -50dB à +62dB
Stereo link
M/S decoding
Asymetrical outputs on one Switchcraft mini XLR connector
LED audio level indicator per channel
Low battery voltage LED indicator (13V threshold)
Battery operated (2 x 9V) or external DC power source (12 to 18V)
Typical5 hours battery autonomy with 2 Schoeps CMC6Ug microphones
10 hours typical battery autonomy with dynamic microphones
Compatible with
lipo 9V rechargeable batteries
Universal 100-240 V wall adapter available
110 x 65 x 30mm / 300 grammes
Technical specifications:
Input impedance : 5Kohms
Distorsion : < 0,1% (0,01% typical)
Equivalent input noise (EIN) : -127.7dB with Zsource=200Ohms
Max gain (Zsource=600R, Zload=100K) : 63.6dB
Max gain (Zsource=50R, Zload=100K) : 66.6dB
Audio bandwidth (+/- 0.5dB): 10Hz - 75Khz
Maximum output level (Zload=100K, Vin = 15V) : +13dBU
Maximum output level (Zload=600R, Vin = 15V) : 0dBU
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