Version 1.32
Connect up the links as shown in figure 5 or 6 above. Connect point X5 on each main
PCB to terminal A5 on the corresponding output transformers. On the left PCB
connect pin 3 on both V1 and V2, to A1 on the output transformer. Now connect the
two screen grid wires that come from pin 6 on each EL34, to A3 on the left
transformer. The EL34’s are now connected in parallel. The right channel in wired in
exactly the same way.
This is ultra-linear mode. For triode or pentode mode follow similar instructions for
the PP transformer connections.
Wiring The Input Connectors And Switches:
Cut the length of screened cable into three equal sections; they should be
approximately 470mm each. Now connect the centre wire of the screened cable to the
positive terminals as shown in figure 7 below.
Figure 7. Input switch connections from RCA sockets
Now fit the two input selector switches, and with the top panel upside down with the
switches and volume pot furthest away from you refer to the drawing above for wiring
up. Please note, the red and black wires shown are not those of the actual wires used