form of left and right line-level inputs and a mini-jack input.
The unit itself is an 11in square, smart, matt-black unit, which looks and feels solidly built. Inside is an 8in
downward-firing driver, complete with a front port.
We are enamoured of the Audioengine powered stereo speakers – the small A2s and the slightly larger A5s
– so we have high hopes for the sub, safe in the knowledge that the chaps behind this company know how
to make a speaker at a tempting price.
Compact box, weighty sound
Get it up and running, and it’s clear the relatively compact box won’t be found wanting for volume.
With the Blu-ray of
, the AS8 pumps out plenty of weight and to a reasonable level of depth.
Explosions are given plenty of oomph and excitement and the sub scores high on the waking-the-
neighbours scale, going nice and loud without rattling or distortion.
We switch to music and opt for the Easy Star All-Stars dubbed-out version of Radiohead’s
Karma Police
The familiar bassline is given plenty of thud, but class rivals offer a little more definition, which can make
the flabbier AS8 sound a touch sluggish at times. But dealing with a £250 subwoofer, these remain only
minor gripes.
This is a well-made, solid sounding, weighty subwoofer, with the potential for a wireless twist. So it’s
another thumbs-up for the chaps at Audioengine – not least, the ever-informative Brett.
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