Volt Triggering
The following details apply if you do not
want to use the Ethernet web server to
turn on the RS 500.
3-pin connector
– To remotely turn on the
unit, use either a contact closure between
the Trigger Input and the +12V output, or
an ex12V trigger between the Trig-
ger In and GND terminals. The +12V out-
put is not designed to power other pieces
of equipment or jump start your car.
GND Ground
+12V Output
+12V Trigger Input
1/8” TS mono jacks
– These are wired in
parallel to each other, and work in con-
junction with the 3-pin connector. Either
input can receive a +12V trigger which
will turn on the unit. This will then allow
the unused jack to 12V that can
be used to turn-on a second unit. If the
3-pin connector is used to trigger the unit,
then both of the 1/8” jacks can be used to
provide output triggers to other units.
= +12V Trigger Input
e = Ground
Power Up Process:
When a +3 to +12V sig-
nal is sensed at the trigger input of either
of the 1/8” TS connectors, or the 3-pin
connector, the rear panel master trigger
indicator LED will change from off to blue.
During this short process, the front panel
Power will be red. Once this is complete,
the Power LED will turn blue and the Pro-
tection LED will turn off.
Wire Link
Power Down Process:
As soon as a 0V
signal is sensed at the master trigger in-
puts, all zones will be muted and placed in
standby, and the rear panel master trigger
LED will change from blue to off. The front
panel Power LED will remain on, as the
main power supplies will be still energized.
If the master trigger Inputs remain at 0V
for 2 seconds, the main power supplies
will shut off; the front panel Power LED
will change from blue to red. The Protec-
tion LED will flash red once during the
power-down process.
The trigger input is biased towards
ground. This keeps the unit in standby
when nothing is connected.
If you are not using master triggering or
the Ethernet connection, then you
install a short wire link from the +12V
output to the trigger input. To put the unit
into standby, remove the link.
12 Volt Trigger