A rch itec tu r al an d E n g in eerin g Sp ecification s
The mixer a mp lifier shall have six universal inputs, each with a balanc ed mic rophone with XLR fe ma le soc ket, and a dual RC A
phone line/auxiliary soc ket. A uxiliary inputs 1-5 shall have a sensitivity of 40 while input 6 shall have a sensitivity of 200mV to
ac c ommo date a C D or other high level input.
The mas ter sec tion shall inc lude one master vo lu me c ontrol, two E Q c ontrols, one with 12dB of boost and c ut at 100Hz and the
other with 9dB of boost and c ut at 10kHz. A power on/off switc h with red "on " neon and an LED display Vu graduated from
+ 21dB to -3dB shall for m part of this sec tion. The amplifier chassis shall be solidly c onstruc ted, suitable for rac k mounting in a
standard 19” width rac k without the need for additional rac k mounting acc essories.
Speaker outpu ts will be transformer isolated and c omprise, 100 volts, 70 volt, & 8 ohms. The amp lifier must be c apable of
delivering 60 watts R MS a t 100 vo lts into a 1 70 oh m induc tive load fro m mains or 24VD C , with less than 0.5% distortion at 1k Hz
and with sy stem hum and noise of less than -72dB.
The a mplifier shall be an Audio Telex mode l SA 60 manufac tured in Australia
Pow er O utput
60 wa tts R MS
Maximu m Load
170 Oh ms @ 100 Volts
Pow er Bandw idth
60H z-15k Hz < 0.5% THD
Frequency Response
60H z-15k Hz (+ /-3dB)
Total Har monic Distortion
0.5% @ 1 kHz rated po wer
Signal To Noise Ratio
-72dB with all c ontrols at their c entre position.
Tone Controls
Bass @ 100Hz: Boos t + 12dB , C ut -12dB
Treble @ 10k H z: Boost + 9dB, C ut -9dB
Six mic /aux universal inputs with XLR fe ma le mic soc kets
and dual RC A Phono soc kets. TRS (6.35m m) J ac k Insert
Input Sensitivity
Mic : 0.6mV @ 200 Oh ms all inputs.
Aux Inputs 1-5: 40mV @ 47k ohms
Aux Input 6: 200mV @ 47k oh ms (for C D play er or similar
high level input)
Insert Point
600 mV in/out
S A 6 0 S p e c ific a tio n s
O utputs
Speaker: 100, 70 volts, 8 ohms
Line: Balanc ed 700mV @ 10k oh m
Tape: 350 m V @ 10k ohms
Phantom Pow er.
15V D C on all mic channels. Internal on/off switc h
6 Input c hannel gain c ontrols, 1 Bass c ontrol, 1 Treble
c ontrol, 1 Master gain c ontrol, 1 Power on/off switc h
Indicator s
LED Leve l V U, Pow er "on" neon
Pow er Source
AC : 240V-50Hz, 110V-60 Hz (spec ial) 3 pin IEC C onnec tor,
D C : 24 Volts
Pow er consumption
120 wa tts
AC and D C fuses
Dimensions/W eight
88m m H x 480 m m W x 330 m m D (C hassis Dimensions
Only ). 12kg
Tone G enerators
Op tional four tone module A TC 5488.
Op tional TX3 010 or TX 301 4 mu ting modules
A u dio Te lex C om m u nica tio n s P ty L td
w w w .a udio te lex.com
S y dney (02) 9647 1411, M elbourne (03) 9890 7477, B ris ban e (07) 3852 1312, P erth (08) 9228 4222
A uck land (09 ) 415 9426, A delaide (08) 8234 9444, H obart (03) 6228 6373
A.C .N : 0 01 3 4 5 48 2