Страница 1: ...ni of o moins power foilure ond when the ompllfier is connecled 10 o 24v DC power supply Protection The DCM 120 feolures overlood ond overdrive proteciion ShoL rld the rmplifier be overdriven o cufieni imiler will prolecl the unil ond in a worsl ccrse scenorio the omp iller wil shui ciown unii lhe problern is reso ved Once the prob em is fixed shorted speoker line or overdriven lnput the omplilier...
Страница 2: ...on 300 woth moxirnum EUDIOftlrd 12gwAns DCMSERES g 9z9rte a7 a z L __l qo ll ll il il i rll Architectural and Engineering Specifications The power omplifier sholl be of high quolily suitob e for lhe mosl demondinq PA inslollolions ond opplicolions The unil shol hove o frequency response of no less thon 50Hz lskHz 3dB Disloriion ol lkHz shol not exceed 0 5 The Signol 1o Noise roiio sholl be B2dB or...