Screen Excellence Ltd. 136 Bentwaters Parks, Rendlesham, Suffolk, IP12 2TW, UK Version 1.0 Mar
The Finishing Touches
With the speaker (V1 / V2) fitted on the wall bracket, the grille frame with black speaker cloth (fitted
as standard) is simply offered up to the speaker front plate until the magnets “click” into place. The
frame should then be held firmly.
To help enhance the installation further, the extra option of having a piece of artwork printed on the
acoustically transparent material is given. The art could be a standard piece, or one chosen by the
The following photographs illustrate some of these examples:
A typical fitting of a Vertex 2 speaker fitted onto a cinema wall bracket before the grille is fitted:
An inside view of the grille frame with black speaker cloth. The circular neodymium magnets are
visible, attached to their respective brackets: