12 Audio Authority CMX-144 User Manual
Appendix B: Upgrading the CMX-144 Operating System Firmware
The latest firmware version is available to download to your PC from www.audioauthority.com/page/software. Follow the
instructions online or call Audio Authority Technical Support for assistance.
Query Commands
The [?] serial command displays the table of zone/source mappings including restrictions. Specific query commands
include the following characters:
Z# represents ZONE # and S# represents input source #.
X represents the currently selected input source
V represents the currently selected video source (break-away)
A represents the currently selected audio source (break-away)
T represents a source that is unavailable to be selected due to a temporary restriction.
P represents a source that is unavailable to be selected due to a permanent restriction.
Setup for Ethernet Control
There are several ways to set up the CMX-144 for use with an IP capable controller using a PC. Either allow it to acquire*
an IP address using DHCP, BOOTP, or AUTOIP, or change the IP address manually, as follows:
1. Change the PC’s IP address to an available IP address such as
2. Connect the PC to the CMX-144 via RS-232 or Ethernet (see page 8). Use a terminal application for RS-232; use a
telnet client/terminal application for Ethernet and enter the default IP address:
and port:
3. Change the IP address as shown below, filling in the appropriate values for the network where the CMX-144 will
reside. Note that you must enter twelve digits (e.g. enter 001 for the numeral 1, as follows:
4. In the same way, assign subnet mask and (if necessary) assign default gateway.
5. Enter [S] to save the changes, and allow about 20 seconds for the Ethernet port to be reprogrammed with the new
settings. If the serial port is connected, the CMX-144 sends the string (FINISHED). Manually disconnect power.
6. Disconnect the Ethernet cable from the PC and connect the CMX-144 to the network (use a patch cable).
7. Connect power to the CMX-144.
8. The CMX-144 is now ready to use with an IP control system. Use the new IP address to view CMX-144 status and
change settings*.
The CMX-144 can use one of the automatic IP address protocols to configure itself for any Ethernet network. Follow
the steps above, but instead of performing steps 3 and 4, send the command
[ED1], [EB1], or [EA1]
and continue with
step 5. After step 7 it may take several seconds to acquire an IP address using DHCP or BOOTP. In the case of AUTOIP it
may take longer to receive the IP address, up to about 15 seconds.
The CMX-144 requests a dynamic IP address only upon physical power on.
The only way to discover the IP address directly is to query the settings via the RS-232 port. If RS-232 is not available,
use other network tools and the MAC address to learn the unit’s new IP address.
* Each CMX-144 MAC address is shown on the rear panel near the Ethernet port.