Recorded tracks should be brought back onto
the console using the DAW/Tape Returns,
which come in on the Long Faders by default.
Ensuring that the MTR flip buttons are
disengaged, signal should appear on the long
meters for each active channel strip.
Engage the Mix buttons for the Long Faders
and bring up the faders to 0dB for channels
that are in use. Signal should now appear on
the main meters in the master section, and you
should be able to hear the recorded tracks.
ASP8024-HE has eight subgroups, which
allows you to group certain tracks together
and give you control over their overall level
(drums channels for example). Sub Groups can
be set by using the first eight buttons of the
Bus Routing Matrix at the top of the channels,
ensuring that the Bus Routing is flipped to the
LF path by pressing the LF button next to the
switch matrix.
To create a stereo sub-mix, press the Follow Pan
button. This causes the odd Multi-track Buses
to take signal from the left side and the even
numbers from the right. For example, on each
channel, you would press down a pair of Multi-
track buttons such as 1 and 2. Any channel that
is panned fully left will appear on Sub Group 1,
and any channel panned fully right appears on
Sub Group 2, with channels panned in between
being split between Sub Groups.
EQ can be added to channels to allow them to
sit better together, or just for creative purposes.
To do this, press the IN button on the band of
EQ you want to add to the channel.
For more broad equalisation, the Shelving EQs
are best and allow you to add additional low end
or high frequencies to that track. The Parametric
EQs allow you to sweep frequencies and adjust
the bandwidth of the EQ. This gives you more
control over what is being cut or boosted and is
great for surgical cuts of problem frequencies.
There are a few different ways to connect
outboard equipment to the desk, depending
on how you want the outboard to affect your
The first way is to add the outboard gear in the
channel insert point. This means the outboard
can only affect the channel it is placed on.
Connect your outboard gear between the
insert send and return, then press the ‘Insert
In’ on the DAW/TAPE inputs to send the signal
through the gear. The Sub Groups can also
have gear inserted in the same way, useful
when wanting to process a group of channels
as a whole.
Another way of using outboard effects is to
use the auxiliaries. This allows you to send
multiple channels of audio to the same piece of
outboard gear, while not affecting the original
audio. The Aux Send level knobs allow you to
alter the amount of signal being sent to the
auxiliary from each channel. The output of
the outboard can be fed back into the console
either through an unused input channel, or one
of the Stereo EFX Inputs.
When using an Auxiliary, ensure that the
corresponding Aux Master is turned up in the
Master Section of the console. The Aux Master
Solo buttons can be used to monitor what is
being sent to the outboard gear.
Using asp8024