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with respect to the correctness of information in this document. Copyright by AUDI AG.
The refractometer - T10007 A- must be used to determine the
current anti-freeze concentration.
Scale -1- on the refractometer applies to coolant additives
G11, G12, G12+ and G12++.
Scale -2- refers only to coolant additive G13.
If more than one type of coolant additive has been used: Al‐
ways use the scale for G13 to determine the anti-freeze pro‐
The temperature indicated on the refractometer - T10007 A-
corresponds to the temperature at which the first ice crystals
can form in the coolant.
It is essential that anti-freeze be used in the cooling system all
year round. In the correct concentration, coolant additives pre‐
vent scaling and frost and corrosion damage, and also raise
the boiling point of the coolant.
Because of its high boiling point, the coolant improves engine
reliability under heavy loads in countries with tropical climates.
Filling up coolant
Table of test values and procedure guidelines:
Frost protection to:
Coolant additive:
-25 ℃
approx. 40 %
approx. 60 %
-36 ℃
approx. 50 %
approx. 50 %
– Add required amount (using mixture ratio according to anti-
freeze protection specification in Maintenance table). Use the
table as a reference for the coolant mixture ratio.
Small quantities of coolant can simply be topped up. Use the
cooling system charge unit - VAS 6096- to add larger quantities
of coolant.
Air cleaner: renewing filter element and
cleaning housing
Risk of damage to carbon air cleaner (top section).
♦ Only tighten bolts for air cleaner (top section) after insert‐
ing rubber washers.
Audi R8 2015 ➤
Maintenance - Edition 03.2016
3. Maintenance