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Securing on Engine and Transmis‐
sion Holder
Special tools and workshop equipment required
♦ Holding Plate - VW309-
♦ Hook And Support Tool - 3311- with Bolt - 3311/1-
♦ Engine And Transmission Holder - VAS6095-
• Hold the transmission with the -VAS6100- . Refer to
⇒ “4 Transmission, Transporting”, page 108
– Attach the -VW309A- to the -3311- .
– Place the transmission using the -VAS6100- in the -
VAS6095- .
The vents for the transmission housing and final drive must be
closed before turning a filled transmission with ATF pan upward
on the engine/transmission holder.
Audi Q5 2008 ➤ , Audi Q5 China 2010 ➤
8-Speed Automatic Transmission 0BK AWD - Edition 04.2017
5. Securing on Engine and Transmission Holder