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All vehicles:
– Detach vacuum hose -1- from intake manifold.
– Unscrew bolts -arrows- and remove air duct.
– Remove electrical connectors -2- from bracket.
– Unplug electrical connector -1- at coolant temperature sender
- G62- .
Lay a cloth under the connection to catch escaping coolant.
– Detach retaining clip -3- and remove coolant temperature
sender - G62- .
Installation is carried out in the reverse order; note the following:
To avoid loss of coolant, insert new coolant temperature send‐
er - G62- immediately and secure with retaining clip.
Renew O-ring.
Secure all hose connections with the correct type of hose clips
(same as original equipment) ⇒ Electronic parts catalogue .
– Install air duct ⇒ Rep. gr. 24 .
– Fill cooling system
Removing and installing continued cool‐
ant circulation pump - V51-
Special tools and workshop equipment required
♦ Drip tray for workshop hoist - VAS 6208-
Audi A8 2003 ➤
10-cylinder direct petrol injection engine (5.2 ltr. 4-valve), mechanics - Edition 10.2013
Rep. gr.19 - Cooling