To change the acoustic filters proceed as follows:
a. First of all remove the ear tips (foam or
silicone) by holding them in the middle and
pulling them slowly until they come loose.
b. Remove the filter from the earpiece
by pushing the changing tool with the
threaded end into the used acoustic
filter, turn it to the right to screw it and
pull the used filter straight out.
Preferably use the threaded end of the
changing tool to remove the filters from
the sound tube.
c. Dispose of any soiled or damaged
acoustic filters. To reuse the filter in the
future, insert it straight in an empty
slot in the filter box, then turn the
changing tool to the left to unscrew
and remove it.
d. To place a new acoustic filter in the
earphones, press the split end of the
changing tool into the filter ring and
pull it gently out vertically.
Preferably use the split end of the
changing tool to remove the filters
from the filter box.