time is represented by T04). The character, “T”, is displayed as the symbol, “ ”. Time is
defined as the duration between the last step and the next step. Please make sure the time is
long enough for the heater to heat up the oven. If the time is set too short, the temperature
may not be able to reach the current step temperature setting, before it jumps to the next step.
The time unit is in minutes with 1 minute resolution. If the recipe only needs one step, you
can program the time of the rest of the steps to zero.
To program the temperature profile, press the SET key once. The display will show C01 for
one second and then display the temperature setting for step 1. Use “+” and “-“ keys to
change the setting. When finished, press the SET again to confirm the change. The display
will show T01 for a second and then change to the cook time setting for step 1. Use “+” and
“-“ keys to change the setting. When finished, press the SET again to confirm the change.
The display will go the step 2 setting. The following is the flow chart for the setting procedure.
Figure 6. Temperature profile programming flow chart.