User manual
Version: v4.5.2
3. the coordinate of the cursor in the picture space
4. the value of the hovered pixel
5. the stability of the acquisition frequency and the device internal temperatures (when unstable the
square is orange, blue is used for stable values).
Right panel
On the right-hand side of the window is a dockable panel, allowing to change the values of
the available options, perform
recalibration, and export data.
The options are classed in four groups:
1. Device;
2. Wireless Active Markers.
3. Detector;
4. 2D/3D matching;
5. Display.
The Device-related option tab contains the following options:
Serial Number
which is the serial number of the tracking device. This option is read-only;
Image Compression Threshold
Image Integration Time
Picture rejection threshold
Enable data sending
Enable IR strobe
User LED red component
User LED green component
User LED blue component
User LED frequency
Enables the user LED
Shock monitoring period
shows the temperature of the various temperature sensors in the device. The tem-
peratures are presented in small frames;
The Wireless Active Markers option tab contains the following options:
Only active if the ALT/meta key is pressed and the cursor is hovering the left or right picture.
See note 8
Atracsys / 2020-06-17 / 16:48:00
54 / 113