Commercial Pilot • 35
Steep Spirals
Steep Spirals must consist of at least three 360° turns. The applicant is required
to maintain a specified airspeed ±10 knots and roll out toward a specified object
or heading ±10°.
1. Altitude – at least 3000’ AGL
2. Perform two 90º clearing turns
3. 80 KIAS (1700 RPM) maintain altitude
4. Clean configuration flow
5. Choose visual reference point
6. Reduce throttle to idle
7. Track at least three constant radius circles around reference point
8. Airspeed - constant
9. Bank angle – adjust for winds – not to exceed 60°
10. Clear engine once every 360° turn
11. Recover - roll out on specified heading (visual reference)
12. Adjust DG/HSI to compass
13. Cruise checklist