The space between dot centers subtends one
milliradian(mil). One mil. subtends 3.6 inches at 100
yards or 36 inches at 1,000 yards. To use this system
effectively you must know the size of the target.
By measuring the height or width of a known (or approxi-
mately known target size) in mil-radians using the reti-
cles, the target distance can be calculated as follows.
R = range in meters, H = target size in meters, M = mil-
radians of the image size:
R = 1000 * h / m
Military shooters are trained to know that the common male torso is 39 inches from crotch to top of
head. This is very close to exactly one meter.
This formula then becomes
R = 1000 / m for a one meter target size.
All of the following formulae are equivalent to the one above for estimating range.
R = range in meters, H = target size in inches, M = mil-radians of the image:
R = 25.4 * h / m
R = range in yards, H = target size in inches,
M = mil-radians of the image:
R = 27.78 * h / m
R = range in yards, H = target size in feet,
M = mil-radians of the image:
R=333.3 * h / m
The vertical and horizontal adjustments for the scope can be achieved
by turning the elevation and windage adjustment mechanisms (remove
dust caps first). Each click equals 1/4 inch at 100 yards (Mars x4) or
1/6 inch at 100 yards (Mars x6) . When reaching the maximum range of
rotation do not use force.
wARnIngs AnD cAuTIons
• Always remember to turn off the scope when it is not in use. If you do not plan on using your scope
for a period of more than 10 days, you should remove the batteries.
• Keep lens cap on when not in use.
• Avoid contact with dust, steam, and gas.
• The scope are not harmful to the user or the environment.
• Do not disassemble:
it will void your warranty.
• Evaluate the scopes function by looking through it in a lit environment with the lens cap put on.
Never use in daylight without the daylight filter lens cap on. Do not surpass ten minutes of testing.
• Never point the scope at a bright light source.
• Adverse atmospheric conditions such as fog, smog, or haze and a lack of ambient light (moon or
starlight) may diminish the effective viewing distance. All technical data for this unit was compiled
in a controlled environment.
• If you use the rubber eyecaps for a long period of time, you may suffer skin inflammation. If you
develop any symptoms, consult a doctor immediately.
Q: Flashes, flickers, or clicking occur while operating
s: If it occurs within the first five minutes of inserting new batteries, it is normal and the device will
resume normal operation soon thereafter. If it occurs for more than 10 minutes, contact your dealer
or other authorized service representative for service instructions.
Q: Dark spots on screen.
s: This may be dust on the lens, please clean according to instrutions. They may also be Cosmetic
blemishes in the intensifier tube which are a by-product of the manufacturing process. This is normal
and will not affect the life or performance of the unit.
1 mil
1 mil