Operation and maintenance manual – Burner A70 Petro
Description of the burner main parts
Rotation cylindrical combustion chamber
Is a new revolutionary solution for combusting pellets which tend to clinker. Such chamber pro-
vides ideal combustion of all combustible materials. Its rotation prevents significant clinkering of
cinder and provides means for its easy removal from the burner nozzle.
Conveying screw 1
It transports and accurately dispenses fuel into the combustion chamber based on the pre-set output.
Controlled fan
Regulation of the fan vanes rotation speed provides means for ideal combustion of the particular fuel.
Ignition device
Provides means for interrupted burner operation based on the customer‘s needs. It ignites pellets
very quickly and reliably and so provides means for quick burner start-up.
– the ignition element has two levels of operation: level one – 1000W, level two
– 2000W. Higher incoming power means shorter time necessary for fuel ignition. The burn-
er‘s factory setting is with the switch (underneath the boiler hood) in position 2 (2000 W).
This means that when installing boiler it is necessary to insert a 12.5A fusible link (instead
of the standard supplied 6.3A) into the fuse (plastic holder) placed on the boiler panel. At
the lower ignition level setting of the incoming power (1000 W, switch position 1), the igni-
tion of the fuel is not guaranteed. Therefore, we do not use this lower level. In the ignition
stage, there are other important factors; the fan setting at the start-up, characteristics of the
chimney which, if it has a significant air draught, may increase the volume of air that passes
through the ignition element and thus decrease the temperature of the ignition air necessary
for successful ignition of the pellets.
Provides means for monitoring the flame at the ignition stage and during operation. If necessary,
it must be cleaned.
Rotational clack-valve
It is an important element of the burner safety. It effectively prevents reversed burn-through of
the fuel (i.e. if combustion chamber gets blocked, the fuel burning does not spread back into the
conveyor or tube).
Vane-type sensor of pellets level
It detects the level of pellets in the burner above the rotational clack-valve and thus regulates the
fuel supply from the storage tank into the burner by means of the external conveying screw.
Control electronics
It provides means for accurate setting of combustion quality and burner output for a particular
1. Rotation cylindrical combustion chamber
2. Turbo-chamber
3. Heatproof bearings
4. Sealing partition with a heatproof bearing
5. Ignition device
6. Controlled fan
7. Vane-type sensor of pellets level
8. Pellet supply
9. Motor-transmission 40W/ 230V /50HZ
10. Rotational clack-valve
11. Conveying screw 1
12. Optical sensor - photocell
13. Control electronics