STK512 User Guide
ATA5723/24/28 and ATA8203/04/05 UHF ASK/FSK receivers
User-programmable transmitters with 6-pin ISP
Sleep modes for minimal power consumption
Included in the Kit
This Radio Starter Kit is not self-contained. It is based on an Atmel STK500 Flash Microcontroller Starter
Kit that must be obtained separately.
This starter kit includes all the essential components needed to demonstrate an AVR-based uni-direc-
tional radio that features a Secure Rolling-Code RF Transmission Encryption protocol. Contents of this
kit are listed and shown in
Transmitter application board
ISP programming adapter for Transmitter
Receiver application board with external antenna
STK512 Interface Board
ATMega88 microcontroller (not shown)
CDROM containing software, Data Sheets, and other documentation (not shown)