SAM3N-EK Development Board User Guide
Section 3
Power Up
Power up the Board
Unpack the board taking care to avoid electrostatic discharge. Unpack the power supply, select the right
power plug adapter corresponding to that of your country, and insert it in the power supply.
Connect the power supply DC connector to the board and plug the power supply to an AC power plug.
The board LCD should light up and run a Touch demo (shows a screen animation that matches the
Touch devices operated on the PCB).
The CDROM provided in the kit contains what we call a "DevStart" a.k.a. "Development Start". This bun-
dle guides you through the first steps of building and running a software application on the SAM3N-EK.
If the CD does not auto-play on your PC, just open it through the explorer and click the file welcome.html
to get started.
The SAM3N-EK DevStart guides you through the installation processes of IAR™ EWARM, Keil MDK
and GNU toolkits. Then, it gives you step-by-step instructions on how to rebuild a single example project
and how to program it into the SAM3N-EK. Optionally, if you have a SAM-ICE™, instructions are also
given about how to debug the code.
Recovery Procedure
The DevStart ends by giving step-by-step instructions on how to recover the SAM3N-EK to the state as it
was when shipped by Atmel.
SAM3N-EK Test Software, Chapter 3.1 "Flash Recovery" gives instructions if you deleted the contents of
the embedded Flash or the DataFlash
and want to recover from this situation.
Sample Code and Technical Support
After boot up, you can run some sample code or your own application on the development kit. You can
d o w n l o a d s a m p l e c o d e a n d g e t t e c h n i c a l s u p p o r t f r o m A t m e l w e b s i t e