Atmel AVR943: ATAVRBM300 User Guide
USB to serial interface converter
USB1.1 device
Converts USB to
Single-wire UART
USB supply power for Atmel
USB gateway to PC/Atmel AVR
Battery Studio 2
LED status indication
Supports the Atmel ATBMxxx-EK evaluation kits
1 Introduction
The Atmel ATAVRBM300 is a USB based communication tool that can be used to
communicate with Smart Battery systems by a PC. It supports four popular
interfaces used in Smart Battery system: SMBus/TWI, single-wire UART, UART,
and SPI. USB1.1 is used for connection with a PC. The product works as the USB
device while the PC is the USB host. The communication protocol is compliant with
SBS data specification v1.1, and some extended commands are added according
to the application requirement. PC software (Battery Studio 2) is required to
interpret the Smart Battery data.
Figure 1-1.
8-bit Atmel
Application Note
Rev. 8463A-AVR-11/11