Figure 10-1. I/O Pin Equivalent Schematic
All registers and bit references in this section are written in general form. A lower case “x” repre-
sents the numbering letter for the port, and a lower case “n” represents the bit number. However,
when using the register or bit defines in a program, the precise form must be used. For example,
PORTB3 for bit no. 3 in Port B, here documented generally as PORTxn. The physical I/O Regis-
ters and bit locations are listed in
“Register Description for I/O-Ports” on page 58
Three I/O memory address locations are allocated for each port, one each for the Data Register
– PORTx, Data Direction Register – DDRx, and the Port Input Pins – PINx. The Port Input Pins
I/O location is read only, while the Data Register and the Data Direction Register are read/write.
However, writing a logic one to a bit in the PINx Register, will result in a toggle in the correspond-
ing bit in the Data Register. In addition, the Pull-up Disable – PUD bit in MCUCR disables the
pull-up function for all pins in all ports when set.
Using the I/O port as General Digital I/O is described in
“Ports as General Digital I/O” on page
. Most port pins are multiplexed with alternate functions for the peripheral features on the
device. How each alternate function interferes with the port pin is described in
. Refer to the individual module sections for a full description of the alter-
nate functions.
Note that enabling the alternate function of some of the port pins does not affect the use of the
other pins in the port as general digital I/O.
Ports as General Digital I/O
The ports are bi-directional I/O ports with optional internal pull-ups.
shows a func-
tional description of one I/O-port pin, here generically called Pxn.
See Figure
"General Digital I/O" for