Part Programming
AT89STK-03 Hardware User Guide
Table 3-2.
Programming the E2PROM with FLIP
Perform the following actions
- Set the POWER switch in OFF position
- Remove any E2P present on DIL8 socket
- Connect a USB cable between demo board and PC. If an RS232C cable is present, the USB
interface is selected by default
- Configure the power jumper accordingly to power source wich supplies the demo board
- Set the POWER switch in ON position
: PWR ON and ALE leds are switched on
Trouble shooting
: check if 8 Mhz quartz is correctly fitted
- Run FLIP
- Select part at8xc5122 for FLIP 1.8.8 or part at8xc5122_dpw for FLIP 2.x.x
- Establish a USB communication
- Select Program and Verify options
- Load c5122-at24c-loader-0_6_0.hex file
- Click on Run button
- Click on Start Application button
- Re-establish an USB communication
- Bootloader Vers =1.1.2
- DeviceBoot Ids = E0 00
- Start Application button becomes red
- Select Program and Verify options
- Load the user code into FLIP buffer
- Edit FLIP buffer
- Configure the area from 07FFD to 07FFF according to the wanted options (Refer to
bootloader datasheet). A common configuration is :
07FFD = FDh
07FFE = MSB (user code size)
07FFF = LSB (user code size)
- Select Whole buffer in buffer options menu (to program the whole buffer in the E2P)
- Insert an 24C256 E2P device into the demoboard’s DIP socket without switching off the
demo board, otherwise the loader code will be lost.
- Click on Run button (the loader running in CRAM programs the external E2P with the code
received fom FLIP)
- No need to click on start application
- Reset the MCU by means of RESET switch to execute the code programmed in the external
E2P. (If external E2P is present, the bootloader downloads the code from external E2P and
execute it)
DPW bootloader does not provide
E2P programming functions. It is
necessary to download and execute
a loader code into CRAM to
program the external E2P by means