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1601 JACK MCKAY BOULEVARD ENNIS, TEXAS 75119 U.S.A. • TELEPHONE: (800) 876-3333 • FAX: (800) 765-3435
Printed in China
ATS002604 RevA 03/07
Audio Sense Control Adjustment (Rear Panel)
The PA702 can be remotely turned on via the two stereo audio inputs. The PA702 mains power switch must be on to
activate or adjust Audio Sense trigger control. Prior to power on the AC Mains Power Switch of the PA702 follow the
instructions below.
Note: Once the PA702 has sensed audio signal and has triggered on, it will take 15 -20 min
for it revert back into sleep mode even when there is no audio present.
Also, the PA702 level controls have no
affect on this feature.
1. First select the proper Dip Switch setting to “
” and “
2. Set the PA702 front panel level controls to 12:00 o’clock position.
3. Then plug a audio component such as a computer, DVD player or CD player into the balanced or RCA
unbalanced inputs of the PA702. Note: Prior to turning on the AC mains of the PA702 make sure the source
level is turned fully down or off (Mute).
4. By using the potentiometer adjustment labeled “
”, rotate fully clockwise. The AC mains Power
LED should be Red still.
5. Slowly apply audio signal from audio source until the AC Mains Power LED turns from Red to Blue.
Whenever there is an audio signal present at the inputs, the PA702 automatically switches itself into from
standby or sleep mode to amplifying the audio the signal into the room loudspeakers If the PA702 power
LED does not turn from Red to Blue the amp is still in sleep mode. Slowly rotate the potentiometer counter
clockwise with audio present until the LED changes from Red to Blue. If the adjustment is fully counter
clockwise and the amp is still in sleep mode it may be necessary to increase the audio source output signal.
Note: By rotating the potentiometer clockwise (right) the trigger point becomes less sensitive to turn on,
meaning it will take more audio signal at the input to turn on the amp.
6. For proper audio triggering some experimentation may be necessary, but once it is set properly the PA702
will not need readjusting. Check the operation by turning audio source on and off. Note: If the sensitivity is
set too high, random switching may occur as the unit senses the residual noise level and may falsely trigger.
If this happens slightly rotate the potentiometer clockwise.
7. Adjust the amplifier level controls and audio source to the desired listening level.