Manual, F/T Sensor, Data Acquisition (DAQ) Systems
Document #9620-05-DAQ.indd-20
Pinnacle Park • 1031 Goodworth Drive • Apex, NC 27539 • Tel: 919.772.0115 • Fax: 919.772.8259 •
4.3 Installing a DAQ System with Multiple Transducers, IFPSMC Box, Wired I/O
Connections, and USB DAQ Device
To ensure a seamless connection between the 9105-IFPSMC-X box and a DAQ Device with screw-
terminals, the following connections need to be made to connect the transducer strain gage voltage outputs
to the DAQ Device screw-terminals.
The 9105-IFPSMC Box is supplied with a 9105-C-PS-IFPSMC M-Series power supply.
(2) NI-SH68-68-EPM (ATI p/n 9105-SH6868EPM-1) 68-pin cables and (2) NI SCB-68 break-out boxes
(ATI p/n 9105-SCB-68) will be needed.
Install the data acquisition system hardware (DAQ card, DAQ Device, power supply, and/or cabling) and
its accompanying software following the instructions included with the hardware. Refer to
Connect the (2) 68-pin, D-Type connector on the DAQ shielded cables to the connectors on the back of
the IFPSMC-X box labeled “Connector 0 to DAQ Card” and “Connector 1 to DAQ Card”.Tighten the
jackscrews on the connector to insure a good electrical connection.
Figure 4.10—Multiple Transducer, IFPSMC Box, I/O Connector Block, and USB DAQ Device Installation
Laptop running DAQ Software
(9030-05-1001 Software)
USB Cable
USB DAQ Device
DAQ Shielded Cable
(Connector 1 From User)
Multi-sensor Interface Box
(9105-IFPSMC-6 Shown)
Power Supply
(Included with Multi-sensor
Interface Box)
Connector 1 to DAQ Card
Connector 0 to DAQ Card
Connector 1 From User
Connector 0 From User
(2) NI SCB-68 Shielded I/O
Connector Block with 68-pin
Connector (9105-SCB-68)
Power Supply for
USB DAQ Device
DAQ Shielded Cable
(Connector 0 From User)
DAQ Shielded Cable
(Connector 0 to DAQ Card)
DAQ Shielded Cable
(Connector 1 to DAQ Card)
TW Transducer
(9105-TW-MINI58 Shown)
3. Connect the other ends of the DAQ shielded cables to a USB DAQ Device or DAQ Card. Tighten the
jackscrews on the connector to ensure a good electrical connection.
The NI SCB-68 I/O connector block’s switches MUST be set to direct feed through
mode. See NI SCB-68 manufacturer’s manual for direction.