ATI Audio Inc.
Tel: 856-626-3480
Fax: 856-504-0220
The front panel headphone jack is a convenient metering point, an auxiliary
output or headphone output. The jack is wired to drive stereo headphones with
channel A to the tip and channel B to the ring. The sleeve connection is wired to
ground. The jack is isolated by 470 ohm build-out resistors.
Your DA2008-1 power supply incorporates a couple of unique regulating devices
called zener diodes. In contrast to most fancy IC regulators, these devices will
live through most line transients and simultaneously protect your expensive
circuitry. As further insurance, a varistor suppressor is placed across the power
transformer secondary.
Your DA2008-1 may be desk mounted on its non-slip suction cup feet, or
securely rack mounted with our optional 21075-501 Rack Mount Shelf. Since the
DA2001-8 is 1/2 rack width, the 21075-501 supports up to two units side by side.
A 1/2 rack Filler Shelf, ATI Part Number 21098-501, is available if you are rack
mounting only one unit.
The DA2008-1 line cord contains a three-wire grounded plug. The third wire
ground can cause a ground loop with your facility ground. If you are sure your
facility ground will provide adequate protection to personnel in case of an AC line
short to chassis, a 3-to-2 AC adapter can be used to isolate the power line
ground. We recommend that the adapter be removed and the power line ground
reconnected prior to any service work requiring removal of the facility ground
from the DA chassis.
The four inch silver bearing copper strap, which you are, of course, using for your
main facility ground is not going to fit around the #6 chassis ground screw on the
DA2008 rear panel. Run the strap to within a few inches of the chassis and jump
to the chassis ground with shield braid.
Audio inputs and outputs should be connected using the rear panel labels as a
guide. Hi outputs are all in phase with each other and in phase with the Hi inputs.
Fanning strips are provided so that our ears won't be burning in the middle of the
night while you are trying to wrap wires around those tiny barrier strip screws.