Atexor Oy Seinäjoki
• P.O.Box 89 • FIN-60101 Seinäjoki • FINLAND
www.atexor.com • Tel: +358 20 734 3250 • Trade Reg. No. 486.515 • VAT No. FI08370823
(Certification N:o VTT 08 ATEX 066 or IECEx VTT 12.0009)
Thank you for choosing Slam Hornet
–portable work light for your job site. Purpose of this
manual is to provide you all the necessary safety and product information to conduct your job
conveniently and without any risks for health and safety.
(Certification N:o VTT 08 ATEX 066 or IECEx VTT 12.0009)
Instructions for Safe Use