Security Target
Version 1.1
Audio Out
Analog amplified speakers, digital audio
embedded inside the video
Analog audio output,
User Authentication
Smartcard, CAC reader
USB 1.1/2.0
Additionally, the KVM has interfaces for AC power, reset (button), and LED indicators. The LEDs consist of
Video, Num Lock, Caps Lock, Scroll Lock, power LEDs, Port LEDs, and CAC LEDs. For dual-display models
there are two LEDs. Video LED(s) light green when the video connection(s) are up and running. The Video
LEDs flash when a non-qualified monitor is connected. The Num Lock LED, Caps Lock LED, and Scroll Lock
LED on the keyboard are disabled. The Port/CAC LEDs indicate Port/CAC reader selection/connection
status. All LEDs are located on the RPS and on the front panel of the main KVM except the Video LED(s)
that are located on the back panel. The TOE does not allow any other user data transmission to or from
external entities.
Non-HID functions of a composite USB device; internal Hub; USB CAC Hub; docking protocols; and analog
microphone or audio line inputs are not supported by the TOE. During KVM operation, non-standard
keyboards with integrated USB hubs and/or other USB-integrated devices may not be fully supported due
to the strict security standards and policy for the ATEN Secure KVM Switch. If supported, only basic (HID)
keyboard operations will function.
Powering Unauthorized Devices
The TOE does not supply power to any device connected to the analog audio output interface.
FDP_PWR_EXT.1 Powered By Computer
The Secure KVM Switch provides power to connected user authentication devices via the USB protocol;
is isolated from other circuitry; and cannot be powered by a user authentication device.
Residual Information Protection (Keyboard Data), FDP_RIP_EXT.1
Residual Information Protection and FDP_RIP_EXT.2
Purge of Residual Information
No user data is written to TOE
non‐volatile memory or storage
. User keyboard data is purged and not
available to the next connected TOE computer interface when the TOE is switched to a different computer.
The data input by the authorized keyboard/mouse will be kept in the console authorized keyboard/mouse
buffer (in the microcontroller). Once the TOE is power cycleed, reset, or port switching is detected, the
data in the console authorized keyboard/mouse buffer will be deleted immediately, and not processed
for emulation. Please refer to the Proprietary Isolation Document for more detail.
The TOE provides two functions to delete TOE stored configuration and settings.
After logging in, authorized administrators can use the Reset to Factory Default management function
(not to be confused with the front panel reset button). When a successfully authenticated authorized
Administrator performs Reset to Factory Default, all settings previously configured by the Administrator
(such as USB device whitelist/blacklist) will be cleaned and reset to factory default settings. Once the Reset
to Factory Default function has been completed, the Secure KVM will terminate the Administrator Logon
mode, purge keyboard/mouse buffer, and power cycle the Secure KVM automatically. After a successful