Security Target
Version 1.1
The TSF shall reject connections with devices presenting unauthorized interface
protocols upon TOE power up and upon connection of a peripheral device to a
powered‐on TOE.
The TOE shall have no external interfaces other than those claimed by the TSF.
The TOE shall not have wireless interfaces.
The TOE shall provide a visual or auditory indication to the User when a
peripheral is rejected.
Peripheral Device Connection (Audio Output) (FDP_PDC_EXT.2/AO)
The TSF shall allow connections with authorized devices as defined in [
of the AO Module
] and [
authorized devices and functions as defined in the PP
Module for
Keyboard/Mouse Devices,
authorized devices as defined in the PP
Module for Video/Display Devices,
] upon TOE power up and upon connection of a peripheral device to a powered-
on TOE.
The TSF shall allow connections with authorized devices presenting authorized
interface protocols as defined in [
Appendix E
of the AO Module
] and [
authorized devices presenting authorized interface protocols as defined in
the PP
Module for Keyboard/Mouse Devices,
authorized devices presenting authorized interface protocols as defined in
the PP
Module for Video/Display Devices
] upon TOE power up and upon connection of a peripheral device to a powered-
on TOE.
Authorized Devices (Keyboard/Mouse) (FDP_PDC_EXT.2/KM)
The TSF shall allow connections with authorized devices and functions as
defined in [
Appendix E
of the KM Module
] and [
authorized devices as defined in the PP
Module for Audio Output Devices,
authorized devices as defined in the PP
Module for Video/Display Devices,
] upon TOE power up and upon connection of a peripheral device to a powered-
on TOE.
The TSF shall allow connections with authorized devices presenting authorized
interface protocols as defined in [
Appendix E
of the KM Module
] and [
authorized devices presenting authorized interface protocols as defined in
the PP
Module for Audio Output Devices,