Rainbow1 IP Phone User Manual
<start-time> and <end-time> specify the start and end date of daylight saving time,
month/date/week and <save-time> is the amount of hour/min/sec to add to the
current time during daylight saving period. The <save-time> value can be preceded
by a negative (-) sign if subtraction is desired instead of addition.
If <weekday > is 0, it means the date to start or end daylight saving is at exactly the
given date. In that case, the <day> value must not be negative. If<weekday >is not
zero, then the daylight saving starts or ends on the <weekday >on or after the given
date if <day> is positive, or on or before the given date if <day> is negative. If
<day> is -1, it means the <weekday> on or before the end-of-the –month (in other
words the last occurrence of <weekday> in that month)
Optional values inside [] are assumed to be 0 if they are not specified. Midnight
means 0:0:0 of the given date.
E.G. start=4/1/7/8:00:00;end=10/1/7/9:00:00;
save=-1Start time is 1st April, Sunday, 8:00:00 am.
End time is 1st October, Sunday, 9:00:00 am.
The display time will be one hour early than the standard time.
1. Set Local Date(YYYY/mm/dd): manually set local date or click
to choose local
date .Format: year/month/day.
2. Set Local Time(HH:mm:ss) : manually set local time or click
to adjust local
time. Format: hour/minute/second. e.g. 12:00:00.
4.5.2 Features
Speed Dial
Set speed dial for 2-9 digit key. For example, set Speed Dial 2: 123456789, then if
you press 2, the phone number (123456789) will be dialed immediately. The other
digit keys 3/4/5.../9 also can be set as speed dial.
Call Forward
1. Always Target: Every incoming call will be forwarded to this target.