Vintage Computer Center
© 2021 Vintage Computer Center LLC
0 Rem ** Vintage Computer Center **
1 Rem ** SET UP PROGRAM FOR ACE 80 & ACE 80XL **
2 Rem ** 02/16/86 REV 000 **
10 Graphics 0
20 Print "You must have already set up the scree
n display to your liking
30 Print "with the START & SELECT keys before yo
u run this program...
40 Print "Hit any key to continue...
50 Gosub 300
100 C=Peek(288):B=Peek(289):F=Peek(290)
110 ? :? :? "WORKING...
120 Open #1,8,0,
130 For N=1 to 6: Read A: Put #1,A:Next N
140 Put #1,C:Put #1,B:Put #1, F
150 For N=1 to 4:Read A:Put#1,A:Next N
160 For N=1 to 42:Read A:Put #1,A:Next N
170 For N=1 to 6:Read A:Put #1,A:Next N
180 ? :? :? :? "FINISHED...
":? :?
190 End
300 Poe 764,255
310 If Peek(764)=255 Then 310
320 Poke 764,255: Return
1000 Data 255,255,32,1,34,1
1010 Data 00,64,41,64
1020 Data 162,96,169,12,157,66,3,32
1030 Data 86,228,169,3,157,66,3,169
1040 Data 39,157,68,3,169,64,157,69
1050 Data 3,169,28,157,74,3,169,0
1060 Data 157,75,3,32,86,228,96,69
1070 Data 58,155
1080 data 226,2,227,2,0,64
TERM6O is a simple modem program that was created initially as a demo. It will only work with
850 compatible modems and will only toggle the translation (ASCII and ATASCII), Duplex (Full
and Half), and Line Feed. It is a barebones program. To use, you must boot the RS-232 handler
with an AUTORUN.SYS then
. This is done with the ACE80(XL)
cartridge, and BASIC installed. Press CTRL-O to bring up the option menu and press the first
letter of the option to toggle it. Dial the phone number manually and press RETURN when a
carrier is detected.
ACE-80 and OS/A+
The OS/A+ disk operating system (version 2.10) interferes with the ACE-
80's ability to survive a system reset. To correct this,
on the
patch disk and Follow the prompts of the program to patch OS/A+ on all your working disks.
ACE-80 and EASMD
If you use OSS's early assembler, EASMD.COM, it must be slightly changed to load under ACE-
on the patch disk to patch it for you.