Step 3: Activate AT&T MetroCell
Activation is initiated on the AT&T MetroCell
• Go to the AT&T MetroCell website at
• Select Manage My Metrocell.
• Log in with your AT&T Premier username and password.
• Acknowledge the AT&T MetroCell terms and conditions.
• Select the inactive MetroCell to be activated.
• Enter the requested information (Serial Number, a
“nickname” you want to give the device, street address,
a technical contact, etc.) and confirm it. Note: The Serial
Number is 18 characters long and can be found on the
device label or the shipping label.
• Click Submit.
The device will initialize, establish IP connectivity, update
its software, reboot, and auto-configure itself. This process
may take up to 2 hours to complete.
Check that the device is ready to use
When the device is ready for use, an email will be sent to the
technical contact named during the activation process, and
the 4 LED indicators on the front cover will turn green and
steady (these turn off after a period of inactivity).
Make a test call
When activation is complete:
• Check that handsets within range of the MetroCell display
more “bars” of signal strength than they did before
• Make at least one test call and test at least one data
Note: The MetroCell can be operated in “Closed” mode,
which restricts use of the MetroCell to only authorized
cellular phone numbers. When testing signal strength and
placing test calls, be sure that the MetroCell is in “Open”
mode or that the test phone is on the Approved User List. In
the early phase of this service, the LTE radio will be turned
off if the device is operated in Closed mode.
See User Guide for additional information.
If your MetroCell has not successfully activated,
please confirm that you have:
• Waited at least 2 hours after initiating Activation on the
MetroCell website.
• Checked the status of the device on the Manage My
MetroCell page.
• Checked for an email confirming activation or providing
additional instructions.
• Checked all connections.
• Checked that the 4 LED indicator lights are green and
• Verified that your router is configured as required – see
Installation Guide.
• If your MetroCell has been activated in Closed mode,
verified that the device you are using to make test calls
has been added to the Approved User List. If the handset
is connected to the public or “macro” network, it may be
necessary to power it off and on or put it in and out of
airplane mode in order to have it connect to the MetroCell.
For additional assistance
• Refer to the Troubleshooting appendix of the Installation
• Refer to the Help and Troubleshooting material on the
AT&T MetroCell website:
• Call the AT&T Product Management Center at 877-996-
7017 and enter the PIN ‘METRO’ (63876).
Maintain required records
The records contained in Appendices E and F of the
Installation Guide are provided to satisfy FCC requirements
and must be maintained with the MetroCell and made
available when requested. Please post or file them in a
suitable location.
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AT&T MetroCell 9962 Quick Start Guide, April 2016