Smart call blocker
Smart call blocker
About Smart call blocker
Call categories
Welcome calls
Welcome calls are calls with telephone numbers saved in your allow list or
directory, and not in your block list. Welcome calls also include calls with caller
names saved in your star name list.
important information to you. Robocall uses an autodialer to deliver pre-recorded messages. By entering the name of
the organizations into the star name list, it ensures these calls will ring through when you only know the caller names
but not their numbers.
Unwelcome calls
Unwelcome calls are calls with telephone numbers saved in your block list, and
you want to block their calls.
Calls without numbers
Calls without numbers are calls that are “out of area“ or with numbers set to
Uncategorized calls
Uncategorized calls include calls with absent caller ID number, calls with
numbers that are not in your directory, allow list, or block list, or calls with caller
ID names that are not in your star name list.
Note: The allow list stores up to 200 entries, the block list stores up to 1,000 entries, and the star name list stores
up to 10 names.