Operating instructions S-HR series page
The unit anticipates the heat required by the heating installation and/or hot water facility.
By doing so as low a possible heat input is given for the required output.
The boiler is provided with an electrical ignition and energy saving pump start to prevent waste of energy. Furthermore the revolutions per
minute of this circulation pump will adjust itself to the amount required by the installation.
As a result unnecessary system noise is prevented.
When the boiler has been out of operation for a longer period of time the circulation pump will periodically start to prevent sticking when an
outside sensor has been connected to the unit. The circulation pump will start automatically when there is a chance of frost to prevent danger
of freezing.
The efficiency of the boiler is very high and the radiation convection and standby losses very low. The emission of noxious substances is
far below the fixed standards so the boiler meets the requirements of SEDBUK Class A.