2) If the above solution can't solve the problem. You may try the following steps:
Please try these specific steps to uninstall/reinstall completely:
Step 1: Please uninstall the program in the Control Panel. If you have other ArcSoft programs
installed, please uninstall them too. Then delete the program files in "C:\Program
Files\ArcSoft\TotalMedia Theatre" folder (the installation directory).
Step 2: Delete all the files and the folders (including the hidden ones) in
"C:\Users\<username>\Application Data\ArcSoft" and "C:\Documents and
Settings\usersname\Application Data\ArcSoft " folders.
Step 3: Double check "archlp.sys" in "C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers" has been deleted, if not,
please deletes it manually.
Step 4: Clean up the registration files:
1).Go to the XP Start menu and click in the Start Search Dialog Box, type "regedit" and press
oftware\ArcSoft]" these two nodes.
Step 5: Reinstall TMT after rebooting the computer.
If the above solutions still can’t help, please provide your DMP files if possible:
1) Right click Computer->Advanced System settings->Advanced
2) Then select the Startup and Recovery-> Settings, and set the Write Debugging information
mode as kernel memory dump.
3) Then get dump file which is named Memory.DMP in C:\Windows folder
TMT can’t work under Vista 64 SP2 Beta currently