ASUS TR-DLS User’s Manual
5. OS Driver Installation
5. Driver Installation
The <path> is where the dd image is located. On this CD-ROM, the dd image
file is located here:
For DOS System Users:
Under this section, DOS system users have two choices.
Use a utility that will copy the raw dd image onto a 1.44 Mbytes floppy
diskette. This dd image is located at:
RAWRITE3.COM, which is a public domain utility, is available on this CD-
ROM at this location:
\Drivers\Sdms\Drivers\UNIXES \RAWRITE3.COM
Instructions for using this utility are included in its accompanying RaWrite file
or as a Microsoft Word document located at:
\Drivers\Sdms\Drivers\UNIXES \RAWRITE3.DOC
The other DOS alternative is to use the self-extracting image file that is
located at:
B. New System Installation
These instructions provide details to install the SDMS symhisl driver using the
SYMHISL Update diskette created above during installation of the operating system
using the SYM53C1010 controller. To use the driver on the SYMHISL Driver Update
diskette to install Solaris X86 (Intel Platform Edition) on a machine, follow the
steps below.
Insert the Solaris Device Configuration Assistant Diskette into your
machine’s diskette drive. Also insert the Solaris Installation CD-ROM; or for
network installation, verify with your system administrator that the Solaris
Network Installation image is available on your network.
Turn on your machine. When the Solaris Device Configuration Assistant
screen appears, choose F4_Add Driver. The message “Enumerating
buses...” appears. Then, the Install Driver Update screen appears.
SUN Solaris 7 Server